We hope this latest update finds you still safe and well, and here we are now, at the back end of week 13 unbelievably.
We are all aware, there is no updated guidance from the Government on when leisure facilities can partially or fully reopen. There is still the suggestion that early July is a possibility but right now there is nothing to support this. That said we are working towards being able to open in early July on whatever that date is, or as near to the date that we can. Like everyone else we do not know what facilities will be allowed to open and what the various detailed criteria for opening will be. Several of the governing bodies have produced guidance notes which are helping with planning but of course, these have the possibility of changing. If, for example, the 2m social distancing rule is relaxed, then the distancing in the gym, pool and classes may then be altered. What we are doing, is planning on everything we do know at present and then be prepared to adapt.
Work to date includes the ongoing content on our Members Hub, detailed programming for all our activities, reviewing cleaning processes and regimes, and staff training. This is in addition to preparing the Club to reopen along with the RDC and Real Tennis Club. There has also been some behind the scenes maintenance work.
Once confirmation has been provided of when we can open be it partially or fully, then we will send out details of all the changes that will be required ahead of the open date.
Please be assured that we will open as soon as is practically possible. We will put the safety of staff and members at the heart of our operation, as I am sure you will agree in the current climate, is of paramount importance.
Remain safe and we look forward to seeing you hopefully sooner rather than later.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Davis,
Commercial Manager